Improving The Productivity Of Smk EducationThrough Collaborative Learning


  • Denny Lalenoh Universitas Negeri Manado Author
  • Prof. Dr. Ing. Drs Parabelem Tinno Dolf Rompas, MT Universitas Negeri Manado Author
  • Dr. Rolly R. Oroh, ST., MT Universitas Negeri Manado Author


Team Work, Transparent, Trust, Integrity


The writing of this article is based on the author's observation of the condition of SMK which should be able to excel with a more equitable quality of graduates to answer the needs of industry and entrepreneurship through finding more productive solutions, in the SMK learning system by tightening cooperation / mutually beneficial collaboration between SMK schools as the driving force of education, the role of cross-institutions in local government, universities and the world of work / the industrial world where the formulation of the problem raises 9 questions that are explored through survey methods with in-depth interviews and enriched by the author's observations over the past few years as an industrial practitioner in SMK.


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