Peer Review Process
JOMVOC implements a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the highest quality of published research. The review process follows these steps:
1. Initial Screening (1-3 days)
Editorial office checks manuscript for adherence to submission guidelines
Plagiarism detection using specialized software
Basic formatting and scope assessment
2. Editor Assignment (3-5 days)
Editor-in-Chief assigns manuscript to appropriate Section Editor
Section Editor selects minimum two qualified peer reviewers
3. Peer Review (2-4 weeks)
Reviewers evaluate:
Scientific merit and originality
Research methodology
Results interpretation
Writing quality and clarity
Relevance to the field
Reviewers provide detailed comments and recommendation
4. Editorial Decision (1 week)
Based on reviewer recommendations, editors make one of following decisions:
Minor Revision
Major Revision
5. Revision Process (if applicable)
Authors have 2-4 weeks for minor revisions
Authors have 4-8 weeks for major revisions
Revised manuscripts may undergo second round of review